
The orthotics division of North Texas Regional of O&P specializes in customized bracing and innovative design. We strive to fit every patient we meet, no matter how challenging their pathology or physique. We are continuously researching the latest ideas, technology, and design to manufacture and deliver the best orthotic devices available.
Knee Orthosis
Elastic, Neoprene Sleeves, Don Joy, Townsend All Braces, OA Braces
Custom Made and Custom Fit AFO, KAFO, plastic, metal and hybrids
Cervical Collars
soft and rigid
Surgical Garments
lumbaSacral corsets, DorsLumbar, Abdominal supports, TLSOS
Spinal Orthosis
Custom Made and Custom Fit Body Jackets, Jewet hyper-extension, Cash Orthosis
Fracture Bracing
Elbow & knee splints, walking boots, Cock-up wrist splints, Custom made Gauntlets
Arch Supports
Custom molded, leather, soft Plastizote, semi-rigid
Custom Molded Shoes
Shoes Modification
Build ups, Wedges
Post op Bracing
ROM Bracing for elbow & knee, Hip Abduction bracing